Practice Exercise: Subject-Verb Agreement

As a copy editor or writer, one of the most critical aspects to keep in mind while writing is subject-verb agreement. Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that ensures that the subject of a sentence and its corresponding verb agree in number. In simple terms, if the subject is singular, then the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, then the verb should also be plural. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at practice exercises on subject-verb agreement.

Exercise 1: Identify the Subject and Verb

Read the following sentences and identify the subject and verb in each.

Example: The dog barks.

1. The students write in their notebooks.

Subject: ___________________

Verb: ___________________

2. The birds chirp in the morning.

Subject: ___________________

Verb: ___________________

3. Maria sings songs in the shower.

Subject: ___________________

Verb: ___________________

4. The cat sleeps on the windowsill.

Subject: ___________________

Verb: ___________________

5. The cars honk loudly in the traffic jam.

Subject: ___________________

Verb: ___________________

Exercise 2: Choose the Correct Verb

Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in the following sentences.

Example: The boy (play/plays) basketball.

Answer: plays

1. The children (run/runs) in the park.

Answer: run

2. The dog (bark/barks) at the mailman.

Answer: barks

3. The flowers (bloom/blooms) in the springtime.

Answer: bloom

4. The women (laugh/laughs) at the jokes.

Answer: laugh

5. The books (sit/sits) on the shelf.

Answer: sit

Exercise 3: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

Example: The dogs (bark) in the park.

Answer: bark

1. The boys (play) soccer after school.

Answer: play

2. The birds (fly) in the sky.

Answer: fly

3. My friend and I (study) for the exam.

Answer: study

4. The cat (sleep) on the bed all day.

Answer: sleeps

5. The students (listen) to the teacher’s lecture.

Answer: listen


Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that makes your writing clear and easy to understand. With practice, you can improve your skills in identifying the subject and verb and choosing the correct verb that agrees with the subject. It’s crucial to always double-check your work for subject-verb agreement to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and professional. So, keep practicing and improve your writing skills!